As some of you may know, I love Black History Month, and I’ve been putting together a Black History Month social media series for the last few years. Each year, I’ve had a new intention. In the beginning, I highlighted Black history facts about individuals — in any field — that we don’t hear about often. In 2017, I began to focus on sharing tidbits related specifically to education. Toward the end of February 2017, I saw a note on someone else’s page imporing us to not let Black History Month be only a celebration of Black acceptance into White spaces. That stuck with me, so in 2018, I was intentional about highlighting Black folks who had made or are making significant contributions to Black education. This year, I’ve challenged myself to find 28 little known facts about HBCUs and their alumni. Just like every year, I’ve had a great time putting these together, and I’ve learned a lot along the way. (In February 2017, for instance, one of the things I learned sparked what would become my first book investigation!) The series has evolved from just a series of social media posts to full-on blog entries. Each image below shows quick facts about the institutions and individuals I chose to highlight, but if you click the individual images, they'll take you to the full blog posts on the subjects pictured. Enjoy!
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